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Frequently asked questions

What data is the app collecting about the user

Email address, name, phone number and various demographic data related to an individual as part of KYC requirements.

For what purposes is the app using this data

The email address is used as the primary identifier in the creation of account with us and all other data is used as part of KYC details of user which are part of compliance requirement of the country the user belongs to for remitting money to another currency.

User's rights for data deletion and how the user may request that the data be deleted

As per the applicable Customer Privacy Policy and the NIUM Data Retention Policy, a customer that either partially registered or has an approved NIUM account or has an active NIUM account, where information has been collected from and about the customer for the purpose of a NIUM service. The individual can submit a request pertaining to the information held/collected about them. However the request will be assessed and handled in line with the NIUM Global Data Retention and Purging Policy which encompasses NIUM’s obligation to maintaining, keeping, archiving, purging the data in accordance to the applicable Privacy Laws.

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